How to build OpenSearchServer

Would you like to contribute to OpenSearchServer?

Here is how to compile and build OSS.


Here are the tools you need to build OpenSearchServer:

  • To build the war: Maven.
  • To build the archive package (zip and tar.gz): Ant.

Extract the source code using GIT

The default and currently active branch is 1.5.

git clone

Go to the opensearchserver directory

cd opensearchserver

Use Maven to build the jar, war, deb and rpm package

mvn -Dgpg.skip=true package clean package rpm:attached-rpm

Use Ant to build the zip and tar.gz package

The archive includes Apache Tomcat, as well as the start and stop scripts.

ant clean dist dist-src

The built zip and tar.gz archive are available here:


Alternatively, you can download these packages at SourceForge.

View/edit on GitHub